Wednesday, November 26, 2014

This mess is dismissed
This mess is dismissed

I've washed myself clean of it
As though it didn't exist

It's foul and negative energy
Shall not be missed

So mote it be
I am done with all this

Friday, November 14, 2014

Books, coincidences, and a touch of destiny.

what if all this time, when we thought we were picking out books to read-- it was really the books deciding that we were worthy of reading them? that they chose us?

I'm pretty sure there are a few books I've collected that were looking for me, the moments I met them were too peculiar and special to be happenstance And anyways, we all know I don't believe in coincidences, everything has a purpose and meaning-- we just don't know it all yet, and maybe never will. but there was a reason somewhere buried in the tapestry of life for each and every thing that happens.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Coffee Shop Melodies

Snippets of Conversation merge
Into the ambient coffee shop music
Becoming one living breathing thing,
Alive, it swells and dies out,
Only to burst forth again.
Laughter. Rushed chatter.
Biting, staccato-ed phrases.
This little shop - composing it's own symphony

Friday, April 16, 2010

Crazy Breakaway

On these long sleepless nights,
I'm crawling up the walls while
Waiting for day to break,
And the world to come alive.

Give me something to do,
I've got to feed my mind.
It's eating at my insides.
Go, go, go. Get out of here.

There is a whole world.
Fly free. Fly on. Go forever.
There is no stopping me.
I am going to break away.

I am going to flee.


Summer 1

Oh summer time...
To sip ice cold lemonade
Half naked in the grass.
Break out the beach towels,
Sunglasses and books.
Let's lounge in the sun
On these lazy days, and
Take advantage of our Youth.
