About Me.

I am a young woman in her middle 20s from the south. Alabama born and raised, I love college football, baseball/softball, and most importantly-- the country!
I met my soul mate in fall 2008 (on the internet, of all places). We met in April 2009, and after that we knew we had to be together forever. In July 2009, I moved 1,200 miles away from where I was born to live with him! I now reside in the northeast. I got married on March 11, 2010!!!

I have always had a huge interest in writing and literature in general. I remember being around the age of 12 or 13 and writing poetry all the time. All of those poems got discarded and thrown away, obviously. I didn't think of saving things like that back then.

As I grew older, I went through many changes. I experienced a lot... A lot of these things I wouldn't wish on anyone else in the entire world, but it's part of what makes me who I am. I am stronger for it. Some of the stuff I choose to write about might seem a little dark sometimes, but that is merely me drawing on the past and the abstract feelings of sadness and fear I felt back then. Trust me, I am fine, so do not let anything you might read here alarm you! =)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." - Ray Bradbury